2024 Fall Ball Information
Camels Hump Little League will be creating teams to play in the 2024 Fall Baseball season. This is a fantastic way for players to play baseball in the fall and continue to develop their baseball skills.
League Age Groups and Co-Ed
The league offers divisions for Minors and Majors baseball. Minors is made up of players who will be in Little League Minors in spring 2025. Majors is made up of players who will be in Little League Majors in spring 2025. Basically, if your player is in 3rd or 4th grade this fall they would be in Minors. If your player is in 5th or 6th grade this fall, they would be in Majors.
Minors: Date of Birth between: 9/1/14 - 8/31/16
Majors: Date of Birth between: 9/1/12 - 8/31/14
There is not a league for softball in the fall and we welcome any softball players who would like to play fall baseball to join the fall baseball teams.
Games are played on Saturdays for six weeks. Games will start around Labor Day (likely the weekend after Labor Day) and run to around Indigenous Peoples Day or a little after. Games are on Saturdays, usually in the late morning or afternoon. Some games will be in Richmond and others will be in other towns mostly around Chittenden County. Exact game dates times will be announced in late August or early September. Also, once game times are announced, start times can change and games can be bumped to Sundays to work around weather or other conflicts that may arise for teams.
Practices will be held at either Volunteers' Green or Brown's Court and will likely start toward the end of August to allow teams to practice for a couple of weeks before the first game. Practices will run from 5:30 - 7:00pm, and will likely shift to 5:00 - 6:30pm later in the season as we lose daylight later in the day.
Minors: Tuesday and Thursday
Majors: Tuesday and Friday
A link for registration is provided below and registration will run through August 18. The cost per player is $40. All players will be provided with a team shirt. We are asking that players wear their Camels Hump hat from spring ball for fall ball. If your player does not have a hat from spring ball, please let us know when you register, and one will be provided.
Makeup of Teams
If we have enough interest for more than one team in either division, CHLL officials and coaches will work to create teams that are as balanced as possible.
Coaches and Umpires
We will need coaches for all teams. Sign-ups for coaching will be made live when registration opens. Please consider coaching a team.
All home teams are responsible for providing at least one umpire for the game. Please consider umpiring for your player's team. If we don't get a volunteer to umpire the duty falls to the coaches, and we'd like coaches to be able to coach the game, rather than umpire.